In my view, Michael has achieved sainthood. A secular saint, perhaps, but a saint nonetheless. Here’s why.
Michael has endurance: 25 years with me, a remarkable achievement given my independent nature, and the catastrophic events of the past two years. We know several couples whose marriages succumbed to unexpected stresses of medical origin. Each partner is a good person. The situation just wasn’t part of the dream they signed on for. And, in the end, they found themselves overwhelmed by circumstances.
Michael can shift focus on a dime. He jumped into our situation at once, educating us about cancer and the resources needed to assess and acquire superior quality medical care. As a result, he developed excellent Internet skills that continue to serve us well.
He is stalwart. He has accompanied me to every meeting with medical professionals, questioning and probing their knowledge and its applicability to our situation. To their credit, they continue to bear up under his inexhaustible questioning. And let us not forget the countless hours he has spent in medical waiting rooms acquainting himself with the contents of current periodicals.
Michael is steadfast in the face of the mundane and boring. He assumed responsibility for keeping our lives in order. Financial tasks that I formerly managed, are now shared. He also pitches in with the housework even more than previously, tackling necessary daily chores that make life bearable. So he sweeps, launders and tidies the yard when I am unable to do so.
Virtually every aspect of our lives has been adjusted so that my energy is conserved for the physical challenges of this illness. Most notable, and a skill that delights us both, is his evolution as a creative, efficient chef.
There is much more, but how much sugar can you stand? Bravo for Michael!
Copyright 2008
Posted July 10, 2008