Time moves slowly because changes happen in small increments over a long period of time. Individually, they seem unworthy of note. Looking back collectively and comparing what is true for today versus what was yesterday’s reality helps me to be more aware of progress. A steady increase in ability over time is NOW my personal measure of the course of this illness. Here’s a sampling of changes.
I continue to observe the cancer chemotherapy: one tablet each afternoon. Add to that, Coumadin for DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis), a side effect itself of cancer, painkillers and Over The Counter relief for nausea. So NOW there are, blessedly, fewer primary medications and far fewer meds for side effects, versus THEN, a year ago, when I was taking handfuls of pills daily. Less tracking, less stress, no slowing of improvement.
NOW I weigh in at 102. THEN, 6 months ago, I was struggling to maintain a high of 95 pounds. NOW my blood pressure is close to pre-illness levels at roughly 130/85. THEN, a year ago, I regularly measured above 160/100. Best of all, now the great swings are gone, and I see consistent readings virtually every day. NOW, no edema; THEN it came and went without explanation. NOW, no dry mouth; THEN, just a few weeks ago, I awoke with all my mouth surfaces glued together, barely able to take a sip to get the juices flowing again. NOW, after being in the sun, I can tolerate some tender, pink skin that disappears in a few days leaving a light tan behind. THEN, a year ago, sunshine caused a severe burn that required almost a month of painful itchiness to clear (and no tan).
NOW I’m back in the yard, pruning roses and pulling weeds; THEN, last Fall, I could not even lean over to pull a weed without fear of losing my balance and crashing to earth, unable to thwart the fall. NOW my stamina is improved so that we can welcome guests occasionally and I don’t have to excuse myself early for need of sleep; THEN, for over a year, we had virtually no social life. NOW I prepare meals faster and I enjoy it; THEN Michael went hungry (or stepped in to speed things up) until the food hit the table.
There is much more. Overall, however, my life has improved substantially. So much so that our oncologist has said that if I continue on this track, we may have to start discussing longer term results, even the possibility of Remission(!). These are the happiest words we have heard in a long time. What energy you all have put into helping to bring this scenario into view. Thank you for your patience and persistence.
We will return to Charleston in a week for our regular periodic imaging and blood tests for the experimental drug (Zactima) clinical study. Some results will be available the following week and others the week after that. As soon as we have them we will post them. We’ll see you at the beach … soon!
Copyright 2008
Posted July 7, 2008