Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Optimism is infectious, spread by cheerleaders, fitness consultants, inspirational speakers and myself, a perfect Typhoid Mary of optimistic viruses. I do, however, harbor a reserve of realism used to identify obstacles, hurdles, and roadblocks before staking out benchmarks toward a goal. Here is my adjusted assessment of this situation after meeting with our new oncologist, a reasonable, level-headed and practical man. At the top of the To Do list he prepared for me: "Don’t panic any more than necessary."

The facts have been previously posted. To summarize:
Goal of treatment: shrink liver tumors; control symptoms
Chemotherapy starts tomorrow: two weeks on, one week off; repeat; check progress with CT
Prognosis: Not curable; IF treatment works, "you could last weeks to years". Here are the numbers for those with the type of cancer I have who have been treated with the chemotherapy I will receive:
43% have tumor shrinkage of greater than 50% of the pre-treatment size
29% have stabilization of tumor size (no growth during treatment)
28% experience growth of the tumors
We have a 72% likelihood of improving on a precarious, but not irretrievable, situation. This deserves optimism, especially considering the positive factors:
My overall sturdy health, especially recent recession of symptoms
My intrepid husband
My unfailing family
Help and encouragement from an army of friends and supporters
A standard protocol for chemotherapy
A green light for continuing herbal supplements during chemotherapy

This is the biggest challenge of my life and a formidable task for those who join me on this journey. Embrace and spread the virus of rational optimism!

Copyright 2007