The diagnosis is still cancer, a word weighted in the imagination with scary prospects. The emphasis, however, has shifted from extreme responses aimed at a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer to confrontation with practical, proven treatment methods for specific outcomes with a reasonable expectation of improvement. Specifically, reducing the number and size of the tumors now in my liver will improve liver function allowing me to gain strength and restore a measure of resilience to meet future challenges.
Already I feel strength returning, with minimal changes in diet and exercise, and with supplements to improve liver and pancreas function. Although symptoms haven't disappeared, I am more comfortable and have a greater number of days with less fatigue and more cheer. Collectively, these gains put me in a better position to fully utilize the upcoming chemotherapy, incorporating it into my body with as little disturbance and as great benefit as possible.
Your support is paving the way for improvement. Individuals and faith groups focused on prayer have lifted me. Positive energy flows in from dear friends and family. Affirmations and visualizations liberate my spirit, separating me from harm. Professionals generously offer their best opinions, often in the face of relentless questioning from a partially informed patient-caregiver team.
My gratitude to all of you is boundless, my thanks immeasurable. I still need your help with the next task at hand: reducing the number and size of tumors in my liver and supporting regeneration of fresh healthy liver cells. I take all of you and your support into my embrace and heart.
Copyright 2007