Reality changes.
Looking back at the 12/15/06 posting, I see that optimism rained, no, poured from a wide-open spigot. The reality in the catch basin was meager. The idea of a holiday trip to Texas was born of optimism, but faltered in a new reality.
The "don’t plan, do" model doesn’t work any more. Approaching the trip more reflectively, I now see a long preparatory "To Do" list dwarfing my measure of stamina available to apply to it.
Updated reality: "don’t do, plan." Grab inspiration once, think twice about what it will take to make it happen: energy expended, time consumed, other "To Do’s" postponed. My rosy holiday plans for travel were based on an outdated understanding of my current abilities.
Does this mean the joy of spontaneity will be wrung from my life? I don’t think so. Perhaps I will cultivate a keener awareness of the opportunity for spontaneity, a quick assessment of options, and a lightning fast opening to the pleasure at hand.
New reality, new perspective, meeting and learning to know another aspect of "me."
Written 12/22/2006.
Copyright 2006