MD Anderson Cancer Center has reviewed all the diagnostic materials collected to date, has agreed to see me and to provide a second opinion.
The diagnostic label, for the meantime, is Carcinoma of Unknown Origin, Stage IV.
Treatment: Next week we will head west for a Texas holiday with family, and report to Houston on January 2nd for 5-7 business days of interviews and, most likely, further testing. The result should be a recommended treatment plan from the MD Anderson doctors.
Our preference is for a treatment that can be administered close to home. Not only is it more convenient and less costly, but, I suspect, is more effective in familiar surroundings with the support of family and friends nearby.
We have investigated and continue to evaluate complementary and alternative treatments for cancer. We believe an integrated approach makes fullest use of the body’s natural desire to nourish the life force while bringing to bear the latest technological and curative tools and methods available from medicine and science. Our final decision regarding treatment will take this into account.
Prognosis: Without a firm diagnosis, difficult to say. None of the likely outcomes are particularly sunny. The characteristic slow growth of carcinoid tumors (if that is confirmed) gives us a bit of time to formulate a plan and treat. On the other hand, the spread of tumors is extensive and continues while I remain untreated. Now we are moving again!
Every day is a gift. Every morning I unwrap that gift and give thanks.
More news as available. Happy holidays everyone!
Copyright 2006