For almost three years Michael has been anticipating my needs plus shouldering the Chores of Living – everything that keeps the engine of life going from day to day. Prior to D(iagnosis) Day it took two of us to keep a finger in the dike. As this health crisis engulfed us, we immediately pared back to essentials.
Now, with my returning strength, we are reverting to a more equitable division of responsibility: I feel better for carrying my share and Michael can return to his choice projects without guilt or incurring an insurmountable backlog.
Relieved of a dual share of responsibilities, Michael is now resuming HIS life. Mostly that means puttering aboard Prudence, tinkering with new ideas and realizing creative improvements to make her sail better. The great seven year rebuilding project was finished in 2004 but, paradoxically, the To Do list never gets shorter.
A major project, released from hold and recently completed, was assembling and documenting the life work of Michael’s father, the inventor/engineer Solomon Adler. The objective was to find a suitable home that would preserve his scores of patents and drawings, along with a collection of hand-made working prototypes demonstrating the developmental stages of what became the PaceSetter sewing machine series, still being manufactured by the Brother Corporation. Now, a deed of gift has transferred ownership of this meticulous collection to The Smithsonian Institution’s Museum of American Invention.
With greater frequency these days, I find Michael stretched out in the recliner with a book and a glass of iced tea at his elbow. I grin with pleasure to see him, if briefly, stepping aside from a demanding burden to refresh himself and take care of his own health.
Stay well!
Copyright 2009
Lynn Chapman-Adler
Posted: July 2, 2009