The latest blood work results are in from our recent trip to MUSC in Charleston, SC. For the first time in many months, both cancer markers are tracking downward meaning there are fewer cancer cells counted this time versus the last count in April.
The CEA (CarcinoEmbrionic Antigen) test that measures cancer cell generation is down 16% versus the April measure. This is the lowest level recorded since August 2007 when I volunteered to participate in the experimental drug study, a 74% drop from the starting point. The oncologists give greater weight to the CEA results than the Calcitonin measure which they consider relevant, but of lesser significance.
The Calcitonin (thyroid specific) measure is down 10% versus the April result; since August 2007 a drop of 57%. As opposed to a basketball game in which the highest point makers win, this contest becomes more successful as the numbers in the blood tests decline. Fewer cellular bad guys swimming around my circulatory system frees up the good guys to get on with their job of restoring my health. The lower the count, the healthier I become. The last time these two measures both dipped down at the same time was one year ago.
I know I’m healthier now than I was then because I feel stronger. The icing on the cake is the test results that prove it.
We hold you in our thoughts. Stay well!
Copyright 2009
Lynn Chapman-Adler
Posted: July 26, 2009