Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Comforts of Family

One of my six brothers just departed after a four day stay. Each family visit has its own flavor depending on the menu of participants and the recipes of current and past events that evoke the aroma of emotions long dormant.

If the Gallup organization were looking for a poll sample they would have no need to look further than our family for diversity of age and occupation. From the oldest (me) to the youngest covers a span of 16 years, a generation’s worth of viewpoints. So, when I want support, I call the siblings closest to my age in the family lineup. Their viewpoint is more likely to incline towards mine where wisdom is measured by the extent of life experience. They are less skeptical of an older sister’s dicta, since the divergence between their life experience and mine is smaller.

When I want to open windows and let in the fresh air of contemporary thinking, I consult with the younger end of the family. If I hear “Hey, dude, what’s up?” I know I have reached back far enough to connect with the entire spectrum of contemporary opinion.

We have an attorney, an editor, a teacher, a retired marketer (me), a computer genius, a retired clamdigger, a retired phlebotomist (now a professional grandmother), a mechanical whiz, and a retired quality control specialist and former Marine. And that is just siblings; the range of occupations becomes yet more diverse if you include spouses, children and grandchildren, cousins, nieces and nephews.

If it takes a village to raise a child (thank you, Hillary), then it required an entire suburb to raise the Chapmans.

Stay well!

Copyright 2009
Lynn Chapman-Adler
Posted: June 10, 2009