Monday, November 20, 2006

Revised Diagnosis

Revised Diagnosis

Carcinoid Neuro endocrine tumor
Meaning hormone-related symptoms are prominent
Usually slower growth than regular cancers
Unknown when growth started, therefore difficult to determine level of Stage 4 status
Numerous tumors throughout liver
Still unable to identify primary site; definitely NOT pancreas, although a tumor is there

Further Diagnosis and refining the level of Stage 4 based upon:
Blood tests
Ultrasound of neck (check status of thyroid)
Urine analysis
Octreotide scan (locates carcinoid tumors)

Prognosis: not curable

Focus of Treatment:
Sustain liver function as long as possible by eliminating tumors there

Treatments suggested:
Chemo embolization of tumors in my liver OR
Radiological liver ablation
Other treatments may be suggested by results of the current series of tests
Surgery NOT indicated because distribution throughout liver is too widespread

Medical centers that focus on this type of cancer:
MD Anderson (Houston)
Sloan Kettering (NYC)
Duke (Durham, NC)

More info:

Next appointment: December 4

Copyright 2006