Sunday, November 19, 2006


Latest from my family doctor from the liver biopsy pathology report:
Metastatic Carcinoma with neuro endocrine features
(this means pancreatic cancer)
CT scan of 11/17 revealed a 1" tumor in the pancreas, likely spread to liver from this primary source. Aggression can be inferred from results of two Liver Function Tests (LFT) measuring enzyme levels, one taken in May (normal levels) the second taken in October (slightly elevated levels). This together with the apparent size of the tumors in both organs indicates a "somewhat aggressive" growth/spread pattern given the time frame. This is MY OWN interpretation, and synchronizes with my intuitive "body knowledge" and awareness of the development of the illness.

More Monday (11/20) after we see the oncologist: a tighter diagnosis, a preliminary treatment plan.

Here are some links that describe pancreatic cancer and some treatment options.

Love to all and my boundless gratitude for your support; the knowledge of your love sustains me.

Copyright 2006