Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Today is our third Thanksgiving observance since Diagnosis Day. Considering how grim the picture was at that time (2006), it is a miracle that I’m even here, and THAT is worthy of celebration!

We are thankful for all the nausea; it signals that the chemotherapy is at work. That side effect is now mostly gone so we celebrate the strengthening of basic health. One signal of health is the “WNL” results on the quarterly blood analysis. Within Normal Limits means that, except for the cancer markers, my blood looks just like any normally healthy person’s blood. Let’s celebrate!

The cancer markers are less consistent. The overall trend since starting with the AstraZeneca chemotherapy (8-13-07) is down to within celebratory levels: The general cancer activity marker, CEA, is down 66% since then; the specific thyroid cancer marker (Calcitonin) is down 71% in the same time frame. Down is good because it means a lowered level of cancer cell activity. Let’s celebrate!

Your support, prayers and affirmations have been a wave bearing us up through scary, uncertain times. There aren’t Thanks enough in all the world to adequately express our gratitude for your staying the course with us. Our constant love goes to you and your family with wishes that your Thanksgiving is as bright as you have made ours.

So let’s go directly to the bottom line and serve the turkey!

Copyright 2008
Posted November 25, 200