Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sleepy Head

Poets have lauded sleep with fancy images and mythologized its restorative qualities. When sleep is elusive, it is worth whatever the soul is willing to pay to recapture it. Its gates cannot be breached, only persuaded to part briefly to admit the sleep-seeker for a limited sojourn.

To help reach this temporary nirvana I have successfully in the past taken herbal teas like Celestial Seasonings SleepyTime Extra. The ceremony of heating the water, pouring it over the tea bag and watching the steam rise inspires reflection and welcomes drowsiness, ushering me into sleep’s anteroom. My family doctor frowns on herbal remedies, citing negative interactions with other of my medications. He is a conservative guardian of my health, so I toe the line and seek alternative ways to encourage the companionship of sleep.

Most nights, sleep holds the gremlins at bay. When their presence becomes too overbearing, I topple over into vicious wakefulness, the gremlins plucking at the remnants of sleep.

My first defensive maneuver against the worry gremlins is to remind myself that little decided in the middle of the night has value after the sun rises. The fun house of Morpheus distorts reality so cunningly and subtly that I can’t rely on decisions or perceptions stumbled upon in the depths of the night. Any dream-thoughts that bear a hint of brilliance I scribble down on a notepad by my bed and re-evaluate in the cold light of morning.

The remembrance gremlins are more tenacious. Their carping reminds me of all the roads not taken, poor decisions and flat-out mistakes I have made throughout my life.

To close the gates on these persistent gremlins, I borrow from my yoga practice by focusing my awareness on the breath moving in and out of my lungs. The effect is like a cradle rocking me closer to restful sleep, a miraculous escape!

Until morning … sweet dreams!

Copyright 2008
Posted October 29, 2008