We were hit with a lot all at once; even as we walked in the door treatment began. We are confident we are getting the best possible care available anywhere in the world. The individual treatment protocols constitute a holistic plan tailored for each patient. Twice a week the doctors from all four clinics review the status of every patient in the hospital.
This hospital treats the whole person, a concept not well communicated on the Issels website. First hand experience is the best educator.
For physical well being, interventions are administered one to two times every hour and include juices, probiotics, supplements, vitamins & minerals, IV for delivery of ozone, vitamins, and later in the program some vaccines, IntraMuscular injections and the most delectable yoghurt I have ever tasted. An education component includes training for 6 months of home treatments following discharge, coping methods and sessions for caregivers only.
The schedule for therapies for the emotions includes relaxation guidance, laughter, breathing, art, music and more. The spiritual component of the body-mind-spirit triad is addressed with (optional attendance) morning and evening devotions as well as Sunday services. This is an institution functioning frankly as a non-denominational spiritually-based medical delivery system. I know we have faith-funded medical institutions in our culture, however I am not acquainted with how they operate in this context if at all.
Volunteers from an organization comprised of former cancer patients join us at lunch and dinner. They provide perspective on the focus and purpose of the hospital programs. Their presence provides a needed social context in a rotating hospital population.
After six days of treatment, it is too early to identify trends in the course of this illness, but the spirit of this place and the kindness of the staff has brought us a measure of optimism.
Copyright 2007