We are back from South Carolina with the verbal report on the CT scans taken last Thursday and Friday at the Medical University of South Carolina where the Zactima clinical experimental drug trial is taking place. These show virtually no change in the size of the tumors in my liver compared with the previous scans taken January 31st and February 1st. This is the third set of images with comparable results. We may conclude that my condition is “stable” at the moment.
One more set of results are due soon from the bloodwork accomplished during the visit. These results will either reinforce the “stable” pronouncement or present conflicting information. We rely on these measures to track the activity of the cancer cells and to keep an eye on other health indicators, especially those relating to liver function and the oxygen-carrying capability of the red blood cells.
These results could become a habit! I have found the news so hopeful that I have taken the bold step of renewing my AARP membership for five years. How’s that for confidence in the future! Although these results are encouraging, I am resisting the urge to jump to conclusions from three consecutive hopeful reports. The overall diagnosis of Stage 4 metastatic cancer of the thyroid remains, nonetheless.
As soon as the bloodwork results are in, I will post them. In the meantime, we thank you for your support and faith in a positive outcome. Knowing you are there means a lot to us.
Copyright 2008
Posted April 30, 2008