Come April and I’m still here! That would have seemed a miracle last Fall with the escalating lab results and the tough news from the doctors. Now the latest results:
Calcitonin marks cancer activity in the thyroid specifically. Its high point for testing to date was recorded on 2-27-07; the next comparable test on 4-05-07 (results were extremely delayed) showed a decline of 9%, the first decline recorded for this test since the diagnosis.
CarcineoEmbryonic Antigen (CEA). This is a non-specific tumor marker indicating my body’s response to level of cancer cell activity. Numbers rise, more cancer cells are being created; numbers decline, fewer cancer cells are being created. Comparing the 2-27-07 test with the 4-05-07 test shows a decline of 20%, again the first decline.
These numbers together with the CT scan comparisons and most recent bloodwork results showing liver function back to normal range are very encouraging. We are guarding against complacency and holding our focus on improving or at least maintaining the present situation.
Thanks beyond measure to Michael for unswerving diligence and skill surfing and analyzing Internet information and resources and spearheading the effort necessary to get us to this point. Many of you have sent caring e-mails and loving messages of encouragement. It has been difficult to respond in a timely manner; you WILL hear from me personally as soon as I am able. With gratitude and blessings for the support, encouragement and positive energy, prayers, thoughts, and confidence from all of you.
Copyright 2007